Monday 13 July 2015

Yellow Bean and Radish Salad

It is one of those smokin' hot humid days that dare I say, I almost can't handle. Dry heat and I are friends...humidity and I are not.  You're likely going to find me looking for a cool surface to attach myself to in an attempt to bring down my temperature.  My family is well aware of the fact that I get a wee bit spazzy in humid weather.  I apologize in advance.
That being said, we still have to eat.  I came up with this super fresh and cool salad for days you're likely to melt, or any other day.  I like this salad with only the half the dressing because it doesn't change the flavor of the veggies, it enhances them.  However, if you want more, add more.  Make this ahead and keep it nice and cold in the fridge.  It'll stay crisp and cool.
It's Farmers Market time....get out and get those local organic farm fresh veggies while you can.  They can't be beat!
P.S. start with half the dressing and if you want more, add more.

Yellow Bean and Radish Salad

Serves 4-6

1lb Yellow Beans, trimmed
1 small bunch Radishes, washed and sliced
1/4 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 tbsp White Wine Vinegar
2 tsp fresh Lemon Juice
2 tsp honey
1 tbsp each, fresh Dill and Parsley, or more to taste
Salt and Pepper

In a pot of simmering water, blanch the beans for 60 seconds.  Drain and plunge into cold water to stop the cooking.
Put beans and radishes in a bowl. Combine all of the other ingredients in a small bowl.  Start by adding only half of the dressing and taste.  If you want more, add the rest.  Refrigerate to keep crisp if not eating right away.

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