Tuesday 7 January 2014

Simple Braised Fennel

Wow, it's been a few weeks since I've posted anything....I guess with the Christmas holidays it just got away from me.  I'm baaaaaack! I will have some new posts this week, I swear.
To start you off, I give to you Braised Fennel.  So simple and delish.  If you've never eaten fennel, it has an anise flavour and is great shaved into salads raw or cooked.  I personally love braising it and do this often. I keep it simple and just enjoy the flavours that are.
These measurements are loose...add more of anything if you need.  It's a flexible recipe.  At this age, we could all use a little more flexibility.  Am I right?

Sorry, no finished picture...we ate it too fast.  However, I love this picture, the action shot if you will.

Simple Braised Fennel (these are loose measurements - play with it, own it)

Serves 2

2 tsp Olive Oil
1 head of Fennel
1/3 cup low sodium chicken broth
Chili Flakes (optional)

Cut the stalks off the fennel, close to the bulb and trim a small amount off the bottom of the core.  Slice the fennel into 1/4 inch slices lengthwise down through the core so the pieces stay relatively intact.  If they don't, don't fret.  Cut off a few of the fennel fronds (looks like dill) from the stalks and set aside.

Heat a pan over medium high heat and add olive oil.  Add the pieces of fennel and cook on both sides, about 2 minutes each or until there is a little colour on them.  Add the chili flakes if using and pour in the chicken broth.  Reduce the heat to medium low and simmer, or "braise" the fennel for about 5 minutes.

Roughly chop the fronds and scatter over the fennel before serving.

NOTE: This won't need much salt, if any.  The braising liquid will reduce and get saltier as it does.  Check only after it's cooked for seasoning.

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